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The Global Goals for Sustainable Development

At naturum Öresund, we highlight the UN's Global Goals for Sustainable Development. In 2015, the member states of the UN agreed on 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development, which are to be achieved by 2030. Millions of people on our planet live in extreme poverty, we have widespread inequality and an ongoing climate crisis that we must solve. In addition, we have ongoing unrest and wars in several continents. With the 17 global goals, most of the world's countries are committed to working together to solve these problems. 


One goal that is extra close to our hearts is Goal 14 - below water. The goal aims to preserve as well as use the sea and its resources in a sustainable way. We work to make life beneath the surface visible and known to more people, because we are more inclined to take care of what we know and have a relationship with. In order to achieve goal 14, ocean literacy is needed!

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If you want to learn more about how we work with the Global Goals, you can read more here

Have you never encountered the Global Goals before? click here

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